13 Affiliated Linguists May Direct Theses and Teach Linguistics Courses Skip to main content

13 Affiliated Linguists May Direct Theses and Teach Linguistics Courses

Find our updated list of affiliates here.

The study of linguistics is highly interdisciplinary. All around the College of Humanities, the study of language impacts literature, pedagogy, philosophy, and more. Particularly in the language departments, such as Spanish and Portuguese, many faculty members outside the Department of Linguistics publish and present linguistics research and have linguistics expertise.

The Department of Linguistics maintains relationships with these “affiliated linguists,” who may direct master’s theses for Linguistics and TESOL MA students, teach linguistics courses (which may or may not be cross-listed with other courses in their home departments), and participate actively in Department of Linguistics events and research. We are pleased to announce the following updated list of affiliated faculty from across the College of Humanities.

Scott Alvord, Spanish and Portuguese
Juno Baik, Asian and Near Eastern Languages
Kirk Belnap, Asian and Near Eastern Languages
Dana Bourgerie, Asian and Near Eastern Languages
Jennifer Bown, German and Russian
Michael Child, Spanish and Portuguese
Jim Law, French and Italian
Grant Lundberg, German and Russian
Steve Moody, Asian and Near Eastern Languages
Rob Reynolds, Digital Humanities
Laura Catharine Smith, German and Russian
Jeff Turley, Spanish and Portuguese
Lynn Williams, Spanish and Portuguese

Some of these linguists have already been affiliated with the Department of Linguistics. Jim Law, who studies semantic and pragmatic change in Romance languages, is currently teaching a meaning in language course to our Linguistics MA students, and Laura Catharine Smith, an expert on historical German linguistics, is teaching historical and comparative linguistics. Others, such as Juno Baik, who specializes in second language acquisition and psycho- and cognitive linguistics, are new affiliates.

You can find the contact information of each of our affiliated linguists on the Faculty & Staff page under the new “Affiliated Faculty” tab. Their research areas have also been added to the Faculty Specialties page. ∎