Undergraduate Student FAQ Skip to main content

Undergraduate Student FAQ

Academic Programs and Requirements
Careers, Involvement, and Other Resources
  • All majors and minors except the Editing and Publishing major and the Editing minor are open enrollment and can be added directly through the Liberal Arts Advisement Center (1041 JFSB). If you are changing your major, you can do so through the “Change Major Request” link at mymap.byu.edu. The Liberal Arts Advisement Center can be reached over YMessage or at liberalarts@byu.edu.

    The Editing and Publishing major and Editing minor require you to fill out an application here. When you complete it, email the receipt to your faculty advisor (explained in the application) and schedule a meeting with her/him. After meeting with the faculty advisor, you will be able to add the major or minor.

  • Students who complete the TESOL minor are also eligible to earn a TESOL certificate if they meet additional requirements. This certificate is more usable in the professional world than a minor alone, and it may be particularly useful if the student plans to teach abroad.

    You can find the requirements for the certificate on our page about the TESOL minor.

  • The standard TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) minor, offered through the Department of Linguistics, is for non-teaching majors. The TESOL K-12 minor is one of many minors offered by the McKay School of Education specifically for teaching majors.

  • You may appeal to substitute a course that is not part of your major or minor for a required course—for instance, if circumstances would prevent you from graduating on schedule otherwise. To do so, fill out a course substitution request form here (or see the Courses page) and schedule an appointment with the coordinator of the major or minor (not your faculty advisor):

    Linguistics major or minor: Dr. Chris Rogers, chris_rogers@byu.edu
    Applied English Linguistics major: Dr. Brett Hashimoto, brett_hashimoto@byu.edu
    Editing major or minor: Dr. Jacob Rawlins, jacob_rawlins@byu.edu
    Linguistic Computing minor: Dr. Earl Brown, earl_brown@byu.edu
    TESOL minor: Dr. Mark Tanner, mark_tanner@byu.edu

    If the substitution is approved by the coordinator, forward the form to the coordinator for their signature. They will then send the form to the Liberal Arts Advisement Center (1041 JFSB, liberalarts@byu.edu).

  • You must "complete university coursework (or the equivalent) to a 200-level or higher in any single foreign language including American Sign Language." If you have a 200-level language course on your transcript, that fulfills the requirement. For Spanish, having SPAN 105 (or a higher course) on your transcript fulfills this requirement. Demonstrating proficiency in a foreign language through a Challenge Exam (offered through the Center for Language Studies, cls.byu.edu) also fulfills this requirement.

  • The English Language major became the Applied English Linguistics major starting Fall 2022.

  • The Department of Linguistics supports the university-level statement on the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) for academic and professional purposes. The department also expects students, faculty and staff to follow the Academic Honesty Policy. In addition, the department expects graduate students to follow the Graduate Studies Statement on Use of AI.

    The department encourages its instructors to clearly delimit what their expectations are with respect to the use or non-use of generative AI in their classes, and their students are encouraged to follow those expectations. Use of generative AI that is not consistent with the expectations of a given instructor is considered a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy.

  • Every student in one of our majors is assigned a faculty advisor, who is there to answer your questions and guide you through your degree. Prospective editing majors and minors are also required to meet with their faculty advisor before being accepted into the program. Faculty advisors are assigned based on last name. To find your advisor and her/his contact information, go to the page for your specific major/minor under the “Programs” tab.

  • Check out this graphic for ideas!

  • Editing and Publishing majors must work on the staff of a student journal or complete some other linguistics internship as part of their major requirements. The TESOL minor program also leads to a teaching internship, taken after the practicum course, which is not required for the minor itself but is required for the TESOL teaching certificate. Jobs and internships are posted regularly at ling.byu.edu/jobs-and-internships, and students can get academic credit for them by filling out an application and meeting with Professor Bay (see instructions at the same link).

    1. Join us on one of our summer Study Abroad programs: English Language in Britain and Ecuador Linguistics!
    2. Volunteer for or submit content to our student journals, including Schwa (for language and linguistics) and Leading Edge (for science fiction and fantasy)!
    3. Join the Linguistics Student Society or STET editing clubs!
    4. Get involved in research—find a professor whose research interests match your own, or check out what research groups are already going on in the department. Twice a year, HUM grants from the College of Humanities are offered to fund student-initiated, faculty-mentored research!
    5. Watch for other events at ling.byu.edu/events!
  • Language certification and challenge exams are handled through the Center for Language Studies. They also offer other language-related programs and services, including the Foreign Language Student Residence (FLSR) program and the Translation and Localization minor. Visit cls.byu.edu or 3086 JFSB to learn more.

  • The English Language Center (ELC), located in 4056 JFSB (next door to our office), handles English language learning. Visit elc.byu.edu to learn more.