TESOL Minor Skip to main content


The TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) minor gives you everything you need to become a successful teacher of English to adult learners, both in the United States and internationally. Coursework begins with an introduction to linguistics and English grammar. You will then learn how to effectively teach listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading, writing, and vocabulary skills in the classroom and how to plan lessons. The program culminates in a practical mentored teaching experience at the English Language Center, where you will have the opportunity to put your teaching skills into practice.

Students who complete an additional internship at the ELC or a different language school and demonstrate proficiency in a second language can also earn a TESOL certificate, which is required for English teaching jobs in many countries.

This minor is geared towards teaching English to adult speakers of other languages. For information on the TESOL K-12 minor for childhood education, which is offered to education majors through the McKay School of Education and leads to an ESL endorsement, click here.

View Requirements

How Do I Add a TESOL Minor?

The TESOL minor is open enrollment, meaning there is no limit on how many students can be in it, and there is no special application process. To add the minor, contact the advisement center of your major. You can find your advisement center’s contact information here.

Careers with a TESOL Minor

Students with this minor are qualified for many overseas positions teaching English as a foreign language. They may also work in various ESL (English as a Second Language) programs in the United States and other English-speaking countries, such as adult education classes and intensive English programs. Many higher-level TESOL jobs in the United States require a master’s degree, which BYU also offers [[link]]

See Career Ideas

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Undergraduate TESOL Certificate

Students who complete the TESOL minor are also eligible to earn a TESOL certificate if they meet the following requirements. This certificate is more usable in the professional world than a minor alone, and it may be particularly useful if you plan to teach abroad.

  1. Complete a TESOL minor (18 credits).
  2. Complete a TESOL internship for academic credit after completion of the minor (LING 399R* - Academic Internships; 3 credits). Students should speak to Nicole Bay (nicole_bay@byu.edu) about getting credit for their internship; see the instructions on our Jobs and Internships page. (*Formerly ELANG 496R.)
  3. Provide evidence of the following:
    1. Evidence of a second language learning experience equivalent to 4 semesters of a second language (through classes or challenge exams).
    2. For students whose first language is not English, evidence of English language proficiency (at least Advanced Low on the ACTFL OPI). Please visit the Center for Language Studies for more information to set up your OPI appointment (3086 JFSB), or contact them at cls@byu.edu.

Once you have met the requirements and graduated, the certificate will be mailed to your address.

Faculty Advisors

If you have questions about the minor—whether you’re interested or already enrolled—feel free to schedule an appointment with your faculty advisor. Advisors are assigned based on the first letter of your last name: