Editing and Publishing BA
Taking a book, magazine, or article from manuscript to finished product is half science, half art—and this major teaches you both. Since the program is housed in the Linguistics Department, you’ll first learn about the science of linguistics and explore topics like language change, variation, structure, and usage that have immediate relevance to your craft as an editor. You’ll then dive into editing and get hands-on experience creating publications both inside and outside the classroom.

The major begins with foundational coursework in linguistics, research, history, grammar, and usage, and a career explorations course. After taking grammar and usage, you can begin the editing core, which starts with ELING 350 for copyediting and line editing and ELING 410R for substantive editing within a particular genre (depending on the section and instructor). DIGHT 230 can be taken anytime and teaches design, layout, and typesetting. These three courses all lead to ELING 430R, where you’ll work with other students in a mentored setting to produce an actual print or digital publication.
In addition, you’ll complete several elective courses for a broader understanding of the linguistic world you’ll be publishing in, including a professionalization course and a senior capstone that studies a focused topic in English language research. The requirements also include either a foreign language (up to the 200 level or higher) or a minor that involves professional communication. Lastly, you’ll also get employment experience working on the staff of a BYU student journal or in another internship setting.
The Editing and Publishing BA is a unique program found in few other universities, and it will prepare you with the skills and network for a successful career in any part of the publication industry. If you have a love for language and dream of bringing it to life, from manuscript to editing to final publication, the Editing and Publishing major is for you.
How Do I Add the Editing and Publishing Major?
To add the Editing and Publishing major, fill out the application below and then schedule an appointment to meet with your faculty advisor. After meeting with your advisor, they will forward your application to the Liberal Arts Advisement Center
Careers with an Editing and Publishing BA
This major prepares you for a career in editing and publishing, such as freelance editing, working on the publication staff of a newspaper or magazine, technical writing, or a position in the competitive print publishing industry. Combined with a creative writing minor, this major is also a strong choice for aspiring writers who want to strengthen their command of English and get experience in all steps of the publication process.
Faculty Advisors
If you have questions about the major—whether you’re interested or already enrolled—feel free to schedule an appointment with your faculty advisor. Advisors are assigned based on the first letter of your last name: