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Ecuador Kichwa-Waoroni Project

Study Abroad Spring 2025
Deadline to Apply: 1 February 2025

Amazonian Ecuador is ethnically and linguistically diverse. Speakers of Quichua, Shuar, Achuar, and Waorani have a long history of of intercultural and interlinguistic interactions. Students will have opportunities to interact with Quichua, Shuar and Waorani speakers at the field school and for Wao speakers, within their territories as well. This is an excellent opportunity for students to learn these languages and to learn about language documentation. When their program is completed, students will have a deeper understanding of their linguistic discipline through comparing and contrasting how it is practiced outside of a formal classroom setting.

For more information, visit the Kennedy Center website or read the program flyer at the right.




Janis Nuckolls, (801) 422-3448,

Seth Bybee, (801) 422-3152,

Andrew South, (801) 422-6489,